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@TejasKumar_ @kentcdodds I checked Kernighan’s book “The UNIX Progming Environment” (from 1984, he’s one of the creators of Unix) and it looks like it’s short for “user file system:” archive.org/details/unixprogramminge0000kern/page/64/mode/2up
@suchipi @kentcdodds Interesting duality — extracting a function limits the things it can depend on, nesting it limits the things that can depend on it.
@AryanJabbari @dan_abramov But you can do 10000..toLocaleString() (What’s happening is you’re allowed to have a trailing . in number literals so you have to have a second . to indicate that you want to access a property of the number. Yay syntactic ambiguity!)
@jsngr When you flash the Shuffle with Square’s custom firmware, it lets you accept payments offline. You input prices by dictating into the mic on a pair of EarPods. You then use a standard 3.5mm cable and a web app to sync via a laptop when back online. It has incredible battery life!
Cool @github iOS app features: long press • the notifications tab to open the filter options • the explore tab to focus the search bar and open the keyboard
Picture-in-Picture for arbitrary content is such a genius idea! @YoinkApp/1439991174891286534
@stroughtonsmith I’ve been working on an iOS app for reading the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary! Still WIP but I have a TestFlight up: testflight.apple.com/join/CXvGuTMi / GitHub: github.com/j-f1/Dictionary
@stroughtonsmith I recently finished a SwiftUI menu bar app that lets you switch audio outputs with a single click (it works great in combination with AirPods’ automatic device switching): apps.apple.com/us/app/instant-audio-switcher/id1547135481?mt=12
Super excited to see this! Some of the coolest things I built while at @Neeva 🧵 @Neeva/1504111623740473344
I made an @eleven_ty template language extension for JSX! I designed it to resemble React syntax at a high level, but you don’t have to use any client-side JSX and it’s pretty easy to do async processing in your template ✨ npmjs.com/package/eleventy-hast-jsx
New on @excalidraw: better dialogs on mobile!
@stroughtonsmith So to still use the
== nil
syntax and suppress the warning, you could writeOptional(UIApplication.shared) == nil
. (theisKind(of:)
check works because it calls into objc which handles the nil correctly). 6/ -
@FlagsMashupBot “Ordre et Progrès”
@The_Power_Coder @acdlite @dan_abramov Yes! It returns without throwing the error. Here’s a quick demo with a couple other example cases: observablehq.com/d/80ae47ab7ffbde5d
@FreyaHolmer YYYY-MM-DD ftw!
@zachleat 1. yarn add --dev webpack 2. npm install --save-dev rollup 3. pnpm install --save-dev parcel parcel-plugin-webpack parcel-plugin-rollup 4. Configure everything properly The remaining steps are left as an exercise to the reader.
I watched @reneritchie’s recent video on iPad multitasking and came up with my own take on it: youtube.com/watch?v=87JlKB6BmCo