jed_fox1’s avatarjed_fox1’s Twitter Archive — № 1,152

        1. …in reply to @ShriramKMurthi
          @ShriramKMurthi @typescript I’m biased, but @PrettierCode ( has generally worked great for me. ESLint is also great in combination (Prettier is laser-focused on code formatting, ESLint is great for detecting bad patterns). In general, I avoid using prebuilt ESLint configs…
      1. …in reply to @jed_fox1
        @ShriramKMurthi @typescript @PrettierCode …in my projects because they tend to have made a lot of decisions that aren't applicable to my use case. Instead, especially since your colleague has a good idea of what mistakes students are making, they could create a custom config (either bundled with stencil code or…
    1. …in reply to @jed_fox1
      @ShriramKMurthi …published to npm) that addresses the specific issues they’re seeing. It’s not too terrible to write ESLint rules if you have a good idea of what you want, and there’s a bunch of TS-specific ones here: (beyond ESLint core’s JS-focused rules)
  1. …in reply to @jed_fox1
    @ShriramKMurthi (also, the experience of messily writing out a line of code and then watching it snap into perfect formatting never gets old)