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    1. …in reply to @darinwf
      @darinwf @stroughtonsmith @Neeva From working on the app, I think there are places where SwiftUI really shines: - basic uses of things like List/NavigationView - creating custom layouts, views, and components It’s really only when you try to do complex things with SwiftUI views that are backed by UIKit…
  1. …in reply to @jed_fox1
    @darinwf @stroughtonsmith @Neeva …that it can get extremely painful. The amount of time we spent on getting the scrolling behavior of the tab tray to work right is unreasonable (and while it’s much better, it still isn’t all the way there). My hope is that Apple will pull out the behavior of native views…
    1. …in reply to @jed_fox1
      @darinwf @stroughtonsmith @Neeva …into reusable, pluggable components (like, perhaps, “ScrollGesture”) that enable developers to build great interactions that leverage battle-tested code instead of having to choose between building (and testing) from scratch or using Apple’s controls with limited customization.