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              1. …in reply to @stroughtonsmith
                @stroughtonsmith Back my computer now and did just that. I learned a lot! If a non-optional value returned from Objective-C is null, it will compare as == to nil despite the warning. But this isn’t because Swift is doing any sort of manual check to see whether the value is nil. 1/
            1. …in reply to @jed_fox1
              @stroughtonsmith Instead, the == seems to be implicitly casting the left hand side to Optional<T> (so you’re comparing Optional<UIApplication> == Optional<UIApplication>), probably by making an Optional.some() wrapping call. But enum instantiation isn’t always implemented as a function call. 2/
          1. …in reply to @jed_fox1
            @stroughtonsmith Instead, Swift computes the total size needed to hold the largest possible associated value for a case in the enum. Then, it tags each enum case (if necessary). (this means that a basic enum with e.g. case a, b, c will define a one-byte type with values a→0, b→1, c→2… 3/
        1. …in reply to @jed_fox1
          @stroughtonsmith …) but back to the topic at hand. Swift will encode an enum with one empty case and one case with an associated pointer value (such as Optional’s none and some(Wrapped) cases, or a similar enum you define yourself) as just the wrapped value in the some case, and… 4/
      1. …in reply to @jed_fox1
        @stroughtonsmith …0 in the none case! This means that casting a supposedly non-optional Objective-C value to a Swift Optional (even if you create your own optional type) will correctly produce the nil case when it is really nil. 5/
    1. …in reply to @jed_fox1
      @stroughtonsmith So to still use the == nil syntax and suppress the warning, you could write Optional(UIApplication.shared) == nil. (the isKind(of:) check works because it calls into objc which handles the nil correctly). 6/
  1. …in reply to @jed_fox1
    @stroughtonsmith Thanks for posting the tweet that prompted me to figure out how this behavior works and write up this thread! I learned a lot today. 7/7